Generating Function Library Quizzes (#TeachersCoding)

I’ve required my IB classes in the past two years to be able to draw some standard functions from memory as part of our function families unit. Creating quizzes for this has been a hassle since I’ve manually had to build these using Word or LibreOffice. I greatly dislike formatting things using either software package.

I decided this week that creating these quizzes using HTML seemed like a perfect application of my developing React skills. Here’s the result:


The order of the functions randomly generates on each page load, which makes it easy to generate new versions. I’ve been able to export these as PDF files and then send them right to the printer.

You can access the code here on CodePen:
[codepen_embed height=”265″ theme_id=”0″ slug_hash=”gLOoxe” default_tab=”result” user=”emwdx” preview=”true” data-preview=”true”]See the Pen FunctionLibraryQuiz by Evan Weinberg (@emwdx) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]

Feel free to use this or modify to fit your needs.

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